
POF offers many advantages over PVC when heating and sealing products

Author: admin / 2024-03-06
Polyolefin Shrink Film is an environmentally-friendly heat-shrink plastic film used for packaging a wide range of products and is ideal for irregular shaped items like coffee jars. Soft and flexible, it makes wrapping delicate products like these easier. Tamper resistance features such as puncture resistance protect from potential damages as well as tamper resistance features; all made of FDA approved materials ensuring it does not release any odors when heat sealed.
Heat guns - whether electric or gas powered - and conveyor systems make POF easy for any size business to implement and use, and once an item is placed and heated, its shrinkability ensures an airtight and tamper-proof seal, giving customers peace of mind that what they are buying is genuine and well cared for during shipping and handling.
POF offers many advantages over PVC when heating and sealing products, including reduced odor, greater flexibility, stronger seals and greater temperature variations tolerance than its plastic counterpart. Furthermore, POF printing costs less per print job compared to its plastic counterpart; furthermore it has better clarity with glossier finishes, greater mechanical breakage resistance as well as being available with cross-linked technology which increases strength without impacting transparency. POF is available in various thicknesses and boasts cross-linked technology which increases its strength without altering transparency - all hallmarks of excellent performance over PVC's shortcomings when used for applications involving sharp edges or irregular shapes packaging applications compared to its plastic counterpart. Additionally, POF comes equipped with cross-linked technology which increases strength without impacting transparency; making POF an excellent alternative.
POF stands apart from its competition as being 100% recyclable, releasing no harmful vapors during heat sealing processes and being transformed into low-cost bulk polymers that can then be extruded or injection molded to form new plastic films for packaging products.

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